Wehealth Forum
A collaboration of thought leaders to drive meaningful change, ensuring our shared efforts benefit communities worldwide.
Forum Meetings
Approved forum members participate in forum meetings where they review upcoming improvements, provide early feedback and shape the development of key initiatives. The meetings happen once a month and sometimes include guest speakers and guest participants depending on the topic.
Upcoming Meeting(s)
Feb 20, 2025
Thu Feb 20 10am PT / 1pm ET
- Review Foodborne Illness, Dengue & Measles Alerts
- Embed & Web Version. Discussion on ph.app vs wehealth.org brand pros / cons
- Review Content Authenticity and AI generated videos
Meeting Archives
Prior meetings, notes and recordings.
Jan 23, 2024
Thu Jan 23 10am PT / 1pm ET
- Review Foodborne Illness, Dengue & Measles Alerts
- Embed & Web Version. Discussion on ph.app vs wehealth.org brand pros / cons
- Review FEMA Alerts including deduping with NWS alerts
Dec 17, 2024
Tue Dec 17 10am PT / 1pm ET
- Foodborne Illness Alerts
- End-User reporting on impact to FEMA community lifelines
- Geospatial awareness: evacuation zones, maps, impact zones
Sep 17, 2024
Review Forecast Zone<>Community<>Public Health Jurisdiction mapping to deliver accurate alerts to towns, cities, tribal nations and territories
Discuss Taxonomy on how to categorize the expanding list of hazards and topics from an end-user perspective
Review latest & upcoming app & portal releases and validate how information is represented
Aug 27, 2014
July 18, 2024
New CDC Respiratory Illness Alert
No Active Alerts
Excessive Heat Alerts for Maricopa & Pima
Wehealth Portal
App Marketing Toolkit
May 7, 2024
We will collect feedback on the the latest versions of the apps that were publicly released last week:
Review the new Location tab that visually shows the local NWS office corresponding to the selected county. With a link to the local office website.
Review the new Explore tab that shows some of the active NWS alerts nationwide.
Excessive Heat: We are launching a nationwide campaign to enhance Excessive Heat alerts with links to local resources.
Review the attached example of what we plan to do in Maricopa County. We want to replicate this for all 3,000+ counties & territories nationwide.
Review the planned design and confirm the actions are displayed correctly (Find cooling station, learn about heat risk etc)
Review CDC Heat Risk forecast and how it can be incorporated
Apr 2, 2024
Latest Public Release
Success Metrics for NWS alerts
Mar 12, 2024
Latest Design & Release
New vs Update alerts
Measuring success and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Mapping NWS data to Wehealth Factors
Feb 20, 2024
Review extreme heat warnings and advisories and what information they contain
Review the latest design of the Wehealth alerts and validate that all NOAA data is reflected correctly
Review the call to action and impact messaging
Identify and review lists of resources available for end users to prepare & respond and how to connect them regionally to the alerts
Identify and review other resources
Jan 9, 2024
Understanding current NWS alerts for Winter Weather and Extreme Heat and how the app can best represent the information and make it actionable (15m)
Review user studies, design changes and gather feedback on Wehealth Notify release coming soon (10m)
Brainstorm guest post for Weather & its effect on Public Health and the role informational apps can play (15m)
- Adding Flu, RSV, wastewater surveillance into the app
Open Discussion & Housekeeping (15m)
Wehealth Forum is a collaborative community for our partners, public officials, scientists, medical professionals, researchers, technologists and other experts dedicated to strengthening global health and safety. As a Forum member, you’ll gain insider access to influence the product roadmap and upcoming features, stay informed on the latest updates, and preview future innovations. Members are invited to participate in research projects, collaborate with academic institutions and public health departments, and contribute to solutions that make a real-world impact. You'll have opportunities to join Slack discussions, engage in email threads, review early wireframes, and shape the development of key initiatives. With monthly and ad-hoc meetings focused on specific topics, the Wehealth Forum is where thought leaders come together to drive meaningful change, ensuring our shared efforts benefit communities worldwide.
We invite partners, public officials, scientists, medical professionals, researchers, technologists and other experts to join.
Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador™ and the Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador™ logo are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Commerce and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.